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Our Principles: "For a Smile and the Earth"

What we like to build is strong relationships of mutual trust for the smile of clients, and for the earth

What's "3Rs"?

Active usage of used truck, reduce over production of trucks. It's our responsibilities to control limited resources.
Bring used parts and used engine exterior parts back to life again as used vehicles, we try as many used parts as possible to revive. Some of truck parts has considerable endurance as driving distance of 1 million kilometers.
Used vehicle parts are subdivided into metal, woods, nonferrous as resources. They are ended but reborn as other products.
  • We promote "3Rs" to create systems to let users feel easy to buy used trucks & parts, and to build cycloid type society to minimize the burdens to the Earth environment.
  • We try to live together in mutual prosperity to share "To be impressed", "Grateful" "Pleasure" through "3Rs" to all people we met.
  • We always make efforts for a profound study to create a market with clients and partners to provide better services and values

We ask all clients to reply Satisfaction Survey.

Customers' voice leads to better services
  • Share all customers' voice to all employees for improvements.
  • 76% of Surveys replied are repeaters. We keep the long term relationships.
  • Over 97% of customers evaluate us as very satisfied to our services
  • Over 91% of customers evaluate us as "wants to buy again company"

We have three location, Congo, Tanzania, Japan.

We are a member of JUMVEA (Japanese Motor Vehicle Exporters Association)
Trade Safe with trusted company!!

JAPAN TIME: February/15/2025 Sat 6:59 AM